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    Cremorne Waterfront Home

    Turnaround time:
     4 months 
     family of four
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    The Brief

    Our client purcahsed this gorgeous waterfront home with a four month settlement which allowed us plenty of time to choose all furniture, decor, art and furnishings to fit the entire house out from scratch.

    The EB Studio team got to work installing furniture, making beds, hanging towels in bathrooms and more which meant the clients were able to spend their first night in their new home the day after settlement. Imagine just being able to move your clothes and personal possessions in and having nothing else to do on moving day! The dream!

    Scope of works:

    • Full turnkey fit out
    • Art hanging
    • Painting

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    Connect with our team by completing our contact form, and we’ll guide you toward the best solution for your space.

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    Lover’s Den

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